Protecting your account

Service Victoria helps keep your personal info and your identity safe with easy to use account protection tools.

If you’re making a new account, we’ll walk you through the setup steps. If you already have an account, you should see prompts to turn on account security next time you log in.

Here’s what you need to do to help keep your account secure:

  1. verify your email address
  2. verify your mobile number
  3. set up SMS security codes
  4. answer account recovery questions

If you run into any issues, check below for help.

Frequently asked questions

Yes. Your Service Victoria account can hold sensitive info that needs an extra level of protection.

You can’t use account security and access a Service Victoria account without a mobile phone.

You can tell us to trust a phone or computer when you log in from somewhere new. We won’t ask again for a year. You can do this on up to five devices.

If you need help creating a strong password, use our password checker tool.

If you forget your password, you can reset it after getting security codes to your mobile and email address.

If you can’t access the phone you use for security codes, go through account recovery and set up a new mobile.

We want to ask you easy to answer questions if you ever need to get back into your account. We also want the answers to be unique, so that people can’t guess them easily.

We don’t store the answers with your other account info. There’s no way to connect them back to your details. Our system encrypts these answers to protect your privacy.

We lock your account if you can't access your mobile number or email, and can’t answer the questions.

When you can get to your email or phone number again, you can go through account recovery.

You can also set up a new Service Victoria account using a different email address.